List of ALL MimeTypes on the Planet, mapped to File Extensions? [closed]

Is there a resource that lists ALL the mimeTypes in existence?

I have found a few places with under 1000 mimeTypes, but then they still don't include common ones like .rar, .fla, .rb, .docx!

Does anyone have a COMPLETE list of mimetypes? Not down to the most obsure "company-only" ones, but at least all of the ones we might use.

Also, I'm looking for a list that maps file extensions to mimeTypes. lists the "official" mime-types, but it doesn't prevent anyone making their own an not registering it with IANA.

Here's the most up-to-date mime.types maintained by the Apache HTTPD community:

IANA lists the official ones. A list which includes file extensions which I find useful is the one included as /etc/mime.types in Debian & Ubuntu.

The Apache web server project also maintains a list.

I collected MIME types and file extensions from many sites and lists, and here's the result:

I also created a JSON file:

Please tell me if something is missing or incorrect

iana is tracking the official ones but of course folks can always declare their own...

In other words, it is doubtful you'll ever get the full list on the Planet.

Also consider the case of NPAPI plugins which declare MIME-types just to be be easily accessible... and these MIME-types might be not interesting to you for a reason or another.