Any app on mac os x can hide icons on menu bar?

I'm seeking software for Mac OSX that can hide any icon on menu bar. Some apps leave an icon on menu bar, but don't have a option to hide its icon from menu bar, are there any applications that hide all of the icons on the menu bar? Thanks.

Solution 1:

There is an app called Bartender, it's paid through. As far as I remember it has a full functional trial and a lot of useful functions, so you should try it.

Solution 2:

For every third-party status menu item (those implemented using the public NSStatusItem class) that is present in the menu bar, there is an application (possibly a background application) that must be running which is responsible for putting it there.

As such, there's no way to have Application B directly hide the status menu item of Application A, except to simply terminate Application A.

I'd suggest using Activity Monitor to try to determine what application or background process is responsible for the status menu item, and then quitting that process. (Note: SystemUIServer is the name of the background process that is responsible for presenting the status menu items. It's part of the OS, so don't quit it).

You could also use ps auxww in a Terminal window to get a list of all processes (including the path to the executable), which might help you figure out the desired background process name depending on where it's located on disk.

If you're not sure, just list the names of the apps that put status menu items up there and I or someone else can figure out what process it is for you.

Solution 3:

There's another freemium app called Vanilla that adds a simple toggle for it.
