Finder does not show Path Bar and Status Bar, what to do?

I have OS X Lion and when I open a finder window everything seems OK. But I can't see the Path Bar nor the Status bar.

When I activate one of the bars with View->Show Status Bar or View->Show Path Bar the Finder window gets bigger in height ( growing downwards ), nothing else happens.

Anyone have an idea what I can do to see the Bars?

(The Bars are working in other applications like Safari, ⌘+/ and it pops up)

Remove the Finder plist. You can find it at ~/Library/Preferences/

Then restart. This should reset any strange preferences keeping the Finder from showing the path and status bars.

Is it just this you are looking for? Finder > View > Show Path Bar?

Also here:

The bug did come from BetterSnapTool. An app for resizing the windows.