Is there a way to give an Excel table a name that is worksheet-scoped instead of workbook-scoped?

Solution 1:

For completeness, I'm pretty sure the answer to my question is "no".

Of course I'll un-accept this and accept an answer that shows that this is wrong, or one that explains why it's right.

Solution 2:

This may be helpful as a workaround:

    'Given a worksheet name and a table(ListObject)name "prefix," return the actual name of the ListObject on the sheet.
    'For example, if a worksheet containing a table called "ConfigTbl" is duplicated, it will get a name
    'like "ConfigTbl3279" on the worksheet copy.
    'This is a workaround for the fact that Tables are worksheet-level objects;
    'Excel doesn't have local/worksheet-level tables.
    'If you pass in one of the "Special Item" qualifiers, then the function will return the specified
    'range as an object (e.g., "[#All]" for the whole table or "[#Headers]" for the column names).
    'Returns #N/A if error.       

     Public Function tableName(wksht As String, tblName As String, Optional specialItem)

     Dim lObj As ListObject

     On Error GoTo ErrHandler
     tblName = UCase(tblName)

     For Each lObj In Worksheets(wksht).ListObjects
         If (UCase(Left(lObj.Name, Len(tblName))) = tblName) Then
             tableName = lObj.Name
             If Not (IsMissing(specialItem)) Then Set tableName = Evaluate(tableName & specialItem)
             Exit Function
         End If
     Next lObj

        tableName = CVErr(xlErrNA)

    End Function