Viewing localhost website from mobile device

To view localhost website from mobile device you have to follow thoses steps :

  • In your computer, you have to retrieve your IP address (Run > cmd > ipconfig)
  • If your localhost use a specific port (like localhost:12345 ), you have to open the port on your computer (Control Panel > System and Security > Firewall > Advanced settings and add Inbound rule)
  • Finally, you can access to your website from mobile device by navigate to : http://192.168.X.X:12345/

Hope it helps

One of the easiest way to remotely access local website, without messing with adding new rules to firewall, is to use this Visual Studio extension:

Conveyor by Keyoti (Visual Studio extension)

Just install it. Every time when you run your project, it will show you URL which can be used for remote access. No other configruration required.

enter image description here

Use Conveyor by Keyoti (extensión de Visual Studio). Extension visual studio

Another option is if you're running NodeJS

npm install -g localtunnel

Start a webserver on any local port such as 8080, and create a tunnel to that port:

lt -p 8080

which will return a public URL for your localhost at You can request your own subdomain if it's available:

lt -p 8080 -s myname

which will return

Try this

Just run ngrok 3000 , 3000 is the port number you want to expose to the internet. You can insert the port number which you want to expose, for rails its 3000. This will tunnel your localhost to the internet and you will be able to view your local host from anywhere