How to add option to select list in jQuery

Solution 1:

Don't make your code so complicated. It can be done simply as below by using a foreach-like iterator:

$.each(buildings, function (index, value) {
    $('#dropListBuilding').append($('<option/>', { 
        value: value,
        text : value 

Solution 2:


Solution 3:

Doing it this way has always worked for me, I hope this helps.

var ddl = $("#dropListBuilding");   
for (k = 0; k < buildings.length; k++)
   ddl.append("<option value='" + buildings[k]+ "'>" + buildings[k] + "</option>");

Solution 4:

Your code fails because you are executing a method (addOption) on the jQuery object (and this object does not support the method)

You can use the standard Javascript function like this:

$("#dropListBuilding")[0].options.add( new Option("My Text","My Value") )

Solution 5:
