You cannot start a load for a destroyed activity in relativelayout image using glide



Instead of:


Hope it will solve your problem~

BEWARE: See Glide image loading with application context if you decide to use applicationContext

You can simply check the context is destroyed or not manually as;

if (context == null) {
} else if (context !is Application) {
        if (context is FragmentActivity) {
            if ((context as FragmentActivity).isDestroyed) {
        } else if (context is Activity) {
            if ((context as Activity).isDestroyed) {

This can also be represented as a Kotlin extension function:

 * Return true if this [Context] is available.
 * Availability is defined as the following:
 * + [Context] is not null
 * + [Context] is not destroyed (tested with [FragmentActivity.isDestroyed] or [Activity.isDestroyed])
fun Context?.isAvailable(): Boolean {
    if (this == null) {
        return false
    } else if (this !is Application) {
            if (this is FragmentActivity) {
                return !this.isDestroyed
            } else if (this is Activity) {
                return !this.isDestroyed
    return true

Inspired from a GitHub thread, I am using this before loading any image

final Context  context = getApplication().getApplicationContext();

if (isValidContextForGlide(context)){
                // Load image via Glide lib using context

 public static boolean isValidContextForGlide(final Context context) {
    if (context == null) {
        return false;
    if (context instanceof Activity) {
        final Activity activity = (Activity) context;
        if (activity.isDestroyed() || activity.isFinishing()) {
            return false;
    return true;

Please do not use Glide.with(getApplicationContext()) unless you really need to, for reasons discussed here: Glide image loading with application context

The correct answer is outlined here:

In Kotlin, that can be written as an extension function:

fun Context.isValidGlideContext() = this !is Activity || (!this.isDestroyed && !this.isFinishing)

I have got the same issue before few days.I have solved this to passing the Application context memory behalf of current Class context memory.

May be it will help you :-

use this code

           .signature(new StringSignature(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())))
                                    .into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>(500, 500) {....}

Even you are getting this issue then read this article carefully ""

overview for this issue : This is an issue of Glide library.