µTorrent auto remove completed download

I am using µTorrent v2. Is it possible to remove a file from µTorrent when a download has finished automatically? I want to keep µTorrent open rather then closing it down.

Solution 1:

Instead of just stopping at the point of completing a download, here are a few options (which I think uTorrent will also support) -- they are torrent friendly.

  1. Limit upload rate
  2. Stop seeding after a specific seeding ratio
    (like say 100%? or, 10% if you are not friendly).
  3. Setup alternate upload rate when not downloading
    (meaning when you have probably completed all your downloads)

Solution 2:

You can change the default behavior for the delete function:

Go to Options -> Preferences -> Advanced. Find the listing gui.default_del_action: change the value from 0 to 1.

In fact, you can change the value from 0 all the way to 3 with the corresponding results:

0 means "Remove" (remove the torrent job from the list, but all related files are left intact on the disk)

1 means "Remove and delete .torrent" (remove the selected torrent job(s) from the list and the corresponding torrent file(s) from where the storage location on disk)

2 means "Remove and delete Data" (remove the torrent selected job(s) from the list and all content downloaded from the torrent job(s))

3 means "Remove and delete .torrent + Data" (remove the selected torrent job(s) from the list, the corresponding torrent file(s) from the storage location on disk, and all content downloaded from the torrent job(s))

Solution 3:

Yes, there is. I've written a script that accesses uTorrent's Web UI to remove completed torrents automatically. You can find instructions on how to use it on my blog at:
