Split java.util.Date over two h:inputText fields representing hour and minute with f:convertDateTime

This particular case is not possible if you want to use a single model value.

This is however a perfect candidate for a composite component. It allows you to bind a single model value to a group of closely related existing components and perform the processing/conversion in the backing component, fully decoupled from the view and backing bean. One of the examples can be found in this article: composite component with multiple input fields. This example can in for your specific case be altered as follows:


    <cc:interface componentType="inputTime">
        <cc:attribute name="value" type="java.util.Date" shortDescription="The selected time. Defaults to now." />
        <span id="#{cc.clientId}" style="white-space:nowrap">
            <h:inputText id="hour" binding="#{cc.hour}" maxlength="2" converter="javax.faces.Integer" />h
            <h:inputText id="minute" binding="#{cc.minute}" maxlength="2" converter="javax.faces.Integer" />


public class InputTime extends UIInput implements NamingContainer {

    private UIInput hour;
    private UIInput minute;

     * As required by <cc:interface>.
    public String getFamily() {
        return UINamingContainer.COMPONENT_FAMILY;

     * Set initial hour and minute based on model.
    public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        Date date = (Date) getValue();

        if (date != null) {


     * Returns the submitted value in HH-mm format.
    public Object getSubmittedValue() {
        return hour.getSubmittedValue() + "-" + minute.getSubmittedValue();

     * Converts the submitted value to concrete {@link Date} instance.
    protected Object getConvertedValue(FacesContext context, Object submittedValue) {
        try {
            return new SimpleDateFormat("HH-mm").parse((String) submittedValue);
        catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new ConverterException(e);

    public UIInput getHour() {
        return hour;

    public void setHour(UIInput hour) {
        this.hour = hour;

    public UIInput getMinute() {
        return minute;

    public void setMinute(UIInput minute) {
        this.minute = minute;



<html ... xmlns:my="http://java.sun.com/jsf/composite/components">
<my:inputTime value="#{bean.date}" />

See also:

  • When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?

You need two separate setter methods in the bean, and then do the merge in the server.

<h:inputText id="myDateHours" value="#{myBean.hours}></h:inputText>
<h:inputText id="myDateMinutes" value="#{myBean.minutes}></h:inputText>

Both must get date values, so then you can operate with a JAVA Calendar setting both fields, in the action invoked by your form.

Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, getHours().getHours());
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, getMinutes().getMinutes());

Be aware of time zones if required.