same SSL certificate in two servers

Maybe I'm missing something. In my understanding, an SSL cert is FQDN specific, not machine specific (although maybe there is a type of SSL certificate that is machine specific) and that you could export the cert from one server in pfx format and import it to another server, which is what I've done with my primary and standby Exchange servers for the past 5 years.

The SSL certificates that I've installed have all been machine specific, meaning the certificate is paired with the fully qualified domain namd FQDN. The certificate will only work on that specific server.

I believe you can purchase domain specific SSL certificates that will work on any computer inside a specific domain.

I would suggest checking to see if this is the issue you are having.

Which version of IIS? Is it the same on both servers?

What format is your certificate saved in?

Are you trying to import it using the same procedure on both servers, or are you trying to export it from one server to the other?

Is this the only certificate you're using on both servers?

Do those servers only have one web site, or multiple ones?