Data Modeling with Kafka? Topics and Partitions

One of the first things I think about when using a new service (such as a non-RDBMS data store or a message queue) is: "How should I structure my data?".

I've read and watched some introductory materials. In particular, take, for example, Kafka: a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing, which writes:

  • "a Topic is the container with which messages are associated"
  • "the smallest unit of parallelism is the partition of a topic. This implies that all messages that ... belong to a particular partition of a topic will be consumed by a consumer in a consumer group."

Knowing this, what would be a good example that illustrates how to use topics and partitions? When should something be a topic? When should something be a partition?

As an example, let's say my (Clojure) data looks like:

{:user-id 101 :viewed "/page1.html" :at #inst "2013-04-12T23:20:50.22Z"}
{:user-id 102 :viewed "/page2.html" :at #inst "2013-04-12T23:20:55.50Z"}

Should the topic be based on user-id? viewed? at? What about the partition?

How do I decide?

When structuring your data for Kafka it really depends on how it´s meant to be consumed.

In my mind, a topic is a grouping of messages of a similar type that will be consumed by the same type of consumer so in the example above, I would just have a single topic and if you´ll decide to push some other kind of data through Kafka, you can add a new topic for that later.

Topics are registered in ZooKeeper which means that you might run into issues if trying to add too many of them, e.g. the case where you have a million users and have decided to create a topic per user.

Partitions on the other hand is a way to parallelize the consumption of the messages. The total number of partitions in a broker cluster need to be at least the same as the number of consumers in a consumer group to make sense of the partitioning feature. Consumers in a consumer group will split the burden of processing the topic between themselves according to the partitioning so that one consumer will only be concerned with messages in the partition itself is "assigned to".

Partitioning can either be explicitly set using a partition key on the producer side or if not provided, a random partition will be selected for every message.

Once you know how to partition your event stream, the topic name will be easy, so let's answer that question first.

@Ludd is correct - the partition structure you choose will depend largely on how you want to process the event stream. Ideally you want a partition key which means that your event processing is partition-local.

For example:

  1. If you care about users' average time-on-site, then you should partition by :user-id. That way, all the events related to a single user's site activity will be available within the same partition. This means that a stream processing engine such as Apache Samza can calculate average time-on-site for a given user just by looking at the events in a single partition. This avoids having to perform any kind of costly partition-global processing
  2. If you care about the most popular pages on your website, you should partition by the :viewed page. Again, Samza will be able to keep a count of a given page's views just by looking at the events in a single partition

Generally, we are trying to avoid having to rely on global state (such as keeping counts in a remote database like DynamoDB or Cassandra), and instead be able to work using partition-local state. This is because local state is a fundamental primitive in stream processing.

If you need both of the above use-cases, then a common pattern with Kafka is to first partition by say :user-id, and then to re-partition by :viewed ready for the next phase of processing.

On topic names - an obvious one here would be events or user-events. To be more specific you could go with with events-by-user-id and/or events-by-viewed.