Are there any GPS recording applications for the iPhone?

My personal favourite is Kinect GPS (iTunes Link).

It's described as a swiss army knife for GPS tracking and I tend to agree. I had originally bought it to track backwoods bike rides but quickly found myself using it for all kinds of tracking: walks, runs, even car drives.

They have a modular approach to configuring the application. You can slice and view the data in all kinds of ways thanks to the pluggable interface. Analyze it over time for peaks, overlay it on a map. Very cool stuff.

And important to me: you can export your data in one of three common formats.

There are a ton of 'em; Cyclemeter, Strava, MotionX, and many, many, others to name a few.

Most have an export option that'll spew out a gpx file (or one of a different format) that you can then do whatever you want with.

(I personally use Cyclemeter for recording and sharing bike rides -- there are many others that are more customized to other kinds of activity)

mshamma I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to respond...

I too actually wanted an app to continuously track myself (on iPhone) in the background, each day, and without draining my battery too much... I used Google Latitude for a while which I found great, but they sadly discontinued it... the only downside of that was that I had to give my location data to a big tech company (not the end of the world, but I'd prefer not to)... in the end I took the long route and actually decided to build an app myself to do exactly what I (and I think you) wanted...

  • It continuously tracks iPhone user's location all day each day
  • Lets you search by date (or area) to see your movements
  • Battery drain typically only 2%-4% for entire day
  • All location data stays local on the device (so only accessible by the user)

It's called 'Location Log', and I've made it it free to download (for now at least)

It's my first ever app, so now doing the rounds and trying to respond to any forum requests for such an app