How to debug Django commands in PyCharm

I know how to run commands with PyCharm (Tools -> Run Task), but I would like to debug them also, including my commands and third party app's commands.

You can debug a custom Django admin/management command in PyCharm by creating a custom Django server entry on the Run/Debug Configuration menu:

  • Click Edit Configurations....
  • Click the plus sign and choose Django server.
  • Fill in the Name as you please, clear the Host and Port fields, check Custom run command and enter the name of your command to the right of the checkbox.
  • Enter any extra command-line arguments into the separate field Additional options, not appended in the run command.
  • Click OK.

Now set a breakpoint, choose your new configuration from the Run/Debug Configuration menu and click the Debug button. Et voilà!

Since clearing Host and Port will not make the command run at all (PyCharm 5), the solution I found is to use a Python run configuration instead of a Django server. Fill Script with your script, other parameters in Script Parameters, and adjust your environment such as Working directory.

I am explaining using my following custom Django command:

python execute_algorithm -f input_data.json

Steps to configure Django Command: Step: From Django toolbar go to:

Run > Edit Configurations

Click on the '+' icon at top left, to create new command > select 'Django server' from the drop down.

Fill following details:

Name: any suitable name that you want to give to this config e.g. execute_algorithm_command

Host: Clear the field

Port: It's 8000 by default, clear it.

Custom Run Command: Check this box fist. Provide your command name there. You can get that from apps/module/management/command/execute_algorithm. e.g value: execute_algorithm

Additional options: Whatever is there, after you command name. value is: -f input_data.json