How to parse a string and return a nested array?

Solution 1:

def foo(s):
    def foo_helper(level=0):
            token = next(tokens)
        except StopIteration:
            if level != 0:
                raise Exception('missing closing paren')
                return []
        if token == ')':
            if level == 0:
                raise Exception('missing opening paren')
                return []
        elif token == '(':
            return [foo_helper(level+1)] + foo_helper(level)
            return [token] + foo_helper(level)
    tokens = iter(s)
    return foo_helper()


>>> foo('a((b(c))d)(e)')
['a', [['b', ['c']], 'd'], ['e']]

Solution 2:


def foo(xs):
    stack = [[]]
    for x in xs:
        if x == '(':
        elif x == ')':
            if not stack:
                return 'error: opening bracket is missing'
                #raise ValueError('error: opening bracket is missing')
    if len(stack) > 1:
        return 'error: closing bracket is missing'
        #raise ValueError('error: closing bracket is missing')
    return stack.pop()

assert foo("abc") == ["a", "b", "c"]
assert foo("a(b)c") == ["a", ["b"], "c"]
assert foo("a(b(c))") == ["a", ["b", ["c"]]]
assert foo("a((b(c))d)(e)") == ['a', [['b', ['c']], 'd'], ['e']]
assert foo("a(b(c)") == "error: closing bracket is missing"
assert foo("a(b))c") == "error: opening bracket is missing"
assert foo("a)b(c") == 'error: opening bracket is missing'

Solution 3:

I would suggest two ways:

Either program your own recusive descent parser like here, or use pyparsing, something like

import pyparsing as pp
expr = pp.Forward()
expr << pp.Word(pp.alphas) + pp.Optional('(' + expr + ')') + pp.Optional(pp.Word(pp.alphas))

here you describe a recursive expression as a sequence of alphas, which can be interleaved by balanced parentheses. When you check this example for the outputs you will see how to get the desired output structure (though it will require some tweaking on your side and require some learning about pyparsing).

regards markus

Solution 4:

Using regex and ast.literal_eval

>>> import re
>>> from ast import literal_eval
>>> def listit(t):
...         return list(map(listit, t)) if isinstance(t, (list, tuple)) else t
def solve(strs):
    s = re.sub(r'[A-Za-z]', "'\g<0>',", strs)
    s = re.sub(r"\)", "\g<0>,", s)
    try: return listit( literal_eval('[' + s  + ']') )
    except : return "Invalid string! "
>>> solve("abc")
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> solve("a(b)c")
['a', ['b'], 'c']
>>> solve("a(b(c))")
['a', ['b', ['c']]]
>>> solve("a(b(c)")
'Invalid string! '
>>> solve("a)b(c")
'Invalid string! '
>>> solve("a(b))c")
'Invalid string! '
>>> solve('a((b(c))d)(e)')
['a', [['b', ['c']], 'd'], ['e']]

Solution 5:

One rather quick and nasty approach (just for something different):

import json, re

def foo(x):
    # Split continuous strings
    # Match consecutive characters
    matches = re.findall('[a-z]{2,}', x)
    for m in matches:
        # Join with ","
        x = x.replace(m, '","'.join(y for y in list(m))) 

    # Turn curvy brackets into square brackets
    x = x.replace(')', '"],"')
    x = x.replace('(', '",["')

    # Wrap whole string with square brackets
    x = '["'+x+'"]'

    # Remove empty entries
    x = x.replace('"",', '')
    x = x.replace(',""', '')

        # Load with JSON
        return json.loads(x)
        # TODO determine error type
        return "error"

def main():
    print foo("abc")     # ['a', 'b', 'c']
    print foo("a(b)c")   # ['a', ['b'], 'c']
    print foo("a(b(c))") # ['a', ['b', ['c']]]
    print foo("a(b))c")  # error

    print foo('a((b(c))d)(e)') # ['a', [['b', ['c']], 'd'], ['e']]