Read numbers from the console given in a single line, separated by a space

Solution 1:

You can use String.Split. You can provide the character(s) that you want to use to split the string into multiple. If you provide none all white-spaces are assumed as split-characters(so new-line, tab etc):

string[] tokens = line.Split(); // all spaces, tab- and newline characters are used

or, if you want to use only spaces as delimiter:

string[] tokens = line.Split(' ');

If you want to parse them to int you can use Array.ConvertAll():

int[] numbers = Array.ConvertAll(tokens, int.Parse); // fails if the format is invalid

If you want to check if the format is valid use int.TryParse.

Solution 2:

You can split the line using String.Split():

var line = Console.ReadLine();
var numbers = line.Split(' ');
foreach(var number in numbers)
    int num;
    if (Int32.TryParse(number, out num))
        // num is your number as integer

Solution 3:

You can use Linq to read the line then split and finally convert each item to integers:

  int[] numbers = Console
        .Split(new Char[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        .Select(item => int.Parse(item))

Solution 4:

You simply need to split the data entered.

string numbersLine = console.ReadLine();

string[] numbers = numbersLine.Split(new char[] { ' '});

// Convert to int or whatever and use