Are there other idioms like "a stone's throw away" that both describe an activity and act as a measurement?

If something is quite close by, it could be described as being a stone's throw away; even closer might be a hop, skip and a jump. I'm interested in these "units" of measurement based on human action. Do you know of other similar words, phrases or idioms that both describe an activity and act as a kind of measurement? They do not have to be limited to distance measurement.

Solution 1:

How about:

  • He came within spitting distance
  • It happened in the blinking of an eye
  • (not human but) I'll be with you in two shakes of a lamb's tail

Solution 2:

In the southern US, walking distances are sometime described in looks. As in "Then you go 'bout three looks down the road and you'll come to...".

When you start down the road or path, you look for the most distance landmark you can see, and when you get there, you look again...

Obviously the nature of the path and terrain mean that the length of a look varies a lot.