Any way to manage options in Open With dialog?
Basically, my problem is that my Open With
list looks like this for .html
I want to be able to manage it somehow. For example, I often open those files with PHPStorm but that list is obviously full and I have to click Other...
every time for eg. PHPStorm.
I'd like to be able to remove virtualized Internet Explorers, Word and simply to be able to manage it somehow. Any way to do that?
You can get rid of the Windows apps by unchecking the Share options in Parallels
[needs to be done for each VM]
To lose some of the others, I'd use RCDefaultApp - freeware - old but still working in Yosemite.
Might need to rebuild the Launch Services afterwards -
as I did after taking the above picture ;-)
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user