Discoveryd & LaunchServicesd Huge Memory Consumption

I have been troubleshooting why my Mac Mini is running slow and stumbled upon this:

enter image description here

The memory usage is in the GB!

On my MacBook the two processes take under 10 MB together.

Why are these procs taking up so much memory, and how can I fix it to resemble usage on my MacBook?

Mac Mini Server (Late 2012)

  • Mem 4GB
  • OS X Yosemite 10.10.2

This is a known issue in Yosemite, although it doesn't affect everyone - I have 5 Macs running Yosemite and one suffers badly, but the others not at all.

Temporary relief comes from rebooting or stopping and restarting the affected services. For discoveryd, in Terminal, do:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Launchervicesd may respond to the same commands - I don't have any experience of that

I ran into the same problem and seems to me its because of spotify. In the past VS code would cause this overload of the system and the programmers patched that bug.

Check this out -

If not, it would be a malware - worst case.