How can I remove icon of uninstalled application from application lens in Dash?

Solution 1:

Well, with help from this askubuntu question I carried out the suggestion of florian-diesch to

grep cardapio ~/.local/share/applications/*

and there was cardapio.desktop. I deleted it and now the cardapio icon does not show up any more among the applications in dash.

Thank you all for your willingness to help me solve my problem.

Solution 2:

I had the same issue. First I uninstalled the application, then I deleted all references from the following folder:



If not install this MENU editor:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:caldas-lopes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ezame

and delete unwanted icons.

Solution 3:

try to run in terminal

sudo rm /usr/share/applications/cardapio.desktop

this will remove it from launcher, after that:

sudo apt-get remove cardapio && sudo apt-get autoremove

Solution 4:

None of it worked for me.
What i did

  1. CtrlAltT to run terminal

  2. sudo -i to log in as superuser

  3. enter your password

  4. cd .local/share/applications

  5. ls -l

    See if you see <your_app>.desktop in here. If you do, then issue rm -f -r <your_app>.desktop to delete the file