How to use a variable as a field name in mongodb-native findOne()?

I have this data in mongodb:

    "name": "Amey",
    "country": "India",
    "region": "Dhule,Maharashtra"

and I want to retrieve the data while passing a field name as a variable in query.

Following does not work:

var name =;
var value = req.params.value;
collection.findOne({name: value}, function(err, item) {

How can I query mongodb keeping both field name and its value dynamic?

You need to set the key of the query object dynamically:

var name =;
var value = req.params.value;
var query = {};
query[name] = value;
collection.findOne(query, function (err, item) { ... });

When you do {name: value}, the key is the string 'name' and not the value of the variable name.

Just put the variable in []

var value = req.params.value;
collection.findOne({[name]:value}, function(err, item) {

I'd like to clarify that if you're trying to make a query concerning a nested field only (not its value), like if you want to query the field "name" from this document:

    loc: [0, 3],
    unit: {
        name : "playername"

this will work (as in my case - using update):

    {_id: ObjectID(someid)}, 
    {$set: {[query]: newValue}}, 
    function (err, result) {

Simply enclosing [query] in brackets tells mongodb that it's not literal, but rather a path.