Variable type hinting in Netbeans (PHP)

Just curious if there's a way in netbeans to give type hints for regular variables, so that intellisense picks it up. I know you can do it for class properties, function parameters, return types, etc. but I can't figure out how to do it for regular variables. It's something that would really help in situations where you have a method that can return different object types (like a service locator).

ex something like:

 * @var Some_Service $someService
$someService = ServiceLocator::locate('someService');

Where using $someService afterward, netbeans would provide all available methods defined in the class Some_Service.

A single line is all you need:

/* @var $varName Type_Name */

See this article in the NetBeans PHP Blog:

Note: At least, in version 8.2; The key seems to be:

  • The single asterisk (/* instead of /**).
  • Placing the type after the variable name.
  • Having nothing before and after the type-hinting (except white-space, but even that is not allowed when the comment is not in a single line).

I know this is an older question, but I was looking for a similar answer for Eclipse/Zend Studio and this solved it as well.

**Note though that it must be on a single line with the opening and closing explicitly in this style...

/* @var $varName Type_Name */

No other formats whether...

 * @var $varName Type_Name


// @var $varName Type_Name

seemed to work at all. Hope that helps someone.

Are you looking to document those pesky magic variables? (I did; This question currently ranks top result for that in Google. I hope this helps someone!)

The @property tag allows you to document magic php variables - those implemented using __get() and __set(). The tag should be used in the documentation immediately preceding the class definition:

 * Class Contact
 * @property string $firstName
 * @property string $lastName
class Contact extends Model {

This notation triggers autocomplete, tested in Netbeans 8.1 and PhpStorm 2016.1.

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