What is a word for having a lot of life experience or a person with a lot of life experience?

I am trying to think of a word, other than mature, that means "to have a lot of life experience" and that would be able to describe a person with such. (By "life experience" I mean more than just growing up and learning to live in the world; more like "to be good at interacting with people and dealing with things negative and positive as if it were a skill.")

For instance the word guile can mean to have sly or cunning intelligence (from a quick google search of "define guile"). So with guile you could say that a person has plenty of guile.

Solution 1:

worldly-wise (or world-wise)

Prepared by experience for life’s difficulties; not easily shocked or deceived

Lisa was sufficiently worldly-wise to understand the situation

or worldly

Experienced in human affairs; sophisticated or worldly-wise:

"an experienced and worldly man who had been almost everywhere"

have been around (a bit) (informal)

if someone has been around, they have had a lot of experience of life and know a lot of things

She's been around a bit - she should know how to look after herself.

a man/woman of the world

someone who has a lot of experience of life, and is not usually shocked by the way people behave

You're a man of the world, Roger, I'd appreciate your advice on a rather delicate matter.

Also ripe, seasoned, hardbitten can be used in this context.

Solution 2:


To render competent through trial and experience: a lawyer who had been seasoned by years in the trial courts.


Solution 3:

I would say that person is street smart|wise.

Can also say you are wise beyond your years.