How do I stop track changes from turning on automatically in Word?

Solution 1:

The constant appearance of tracking information when you open a document is a pain.

It happens because once tracking is turned on in a document you cant turn it off - you can only accept the changes but they are still there

The easiest way is to copy the whole text to a brand new Word document and then save it as a new file.

Solution 2:

Depending on what version of Microsoft you have this may differ slightly:

To stop mark up changes to your document you must accept or reject the changes. If you simply agree with all the changes select all the text and accept all changes. This will stop tracking changes from appearing in the document.

The video, Word 2007 Demo: Use tracked changes in documents, is useful and you will find the answer in the first 2 minutes.

Solution 3:

Have all changes accepted, switch off tracking changes and remove hidden data and personal information by inspecting document (Click on File, Info, Check for Issues). Safe the file. When opening the file again, tracking changes should not be off.