Log in with two accounts (e.g., in Gmail) in a single Firefox window

I have two Gmail accounts.

I'd like to log in to both of them at the same time in a single Firefox window.

How would I go about it?

I know one suggestion is IETab, but that fix has too much of a duct tape feel to it.

There are some other questions covering this, but not necessarily within the same Firefox window:

  • How to Log Into a Web App Simultaneously with Different Account?
  • Firefox: Using multiple instances with different profiles?
  • How to open multiple firefox windows with distinct sessions? [closed]

Solution 1:

Gmail now supports using multiple accounts simultaneously on the same browser.

Solution 2:

Also, if you are just checking mail. You can use one gmail account to check the mail of another http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=21288

Solution 3:

Mashable has "5 Ways To Log Into Several Gmail Accounts At The Same Time":

  1. Multiple browsers
  2. Master account to which you forward all other accounts
  3. IE Tab (Windows only; basically an additional browser within one window)
  4. Gmail Manager
  5. Google Account Multi-Login (Greasemonkey script)

For Internet Explorer 8 users :

start Internet Explorer with -NOMERGE argument

iexplore.exe -nomerge

then each instance started will run in a isolated session environment so you can open another Gmail account or any other web service.