File's image well displays PNG icon not actual PNG

Copy paste the .png image onto the icon shown in the Inspector.

  1. Open the .png with Preview
  2. Select all with CMD+A
  3. Copy with CMD+C
  4. Select the application of which you want to change the icon.
  5. Press CMD+I to open the Inspector
  6. Click on the icon and paste the copied image using CMD+V

I have no clue why that works differently compared to dragging and dropping the image.

Also, the above worked for me, but only after I was still having some puzzling difficulties, so if that's you, on your desktop (make sure you are clicked on your desktop) go up to the top, to Finder - View - Show View Options

... and use the little slider to adjust the size of your icons, slide it back and forth, even back to where it started and I found for me that for some strange reason my icon just popped up. (I was trying to get a new transparent icon the image for a Hard Drive and all I was getting was a standard PNG graphic but when I used the slider, it changed to my new icon. Go figure.)