Clojure: How to find out the arity of function at runtime?
The arity of a function is stored in the metadata of the var.
(:arglists (meta #'str))
;([] [x] [x & ys])
This requires that the function was either defined using defn
, or the :arglists
metadata supplied explicitly.
Sneaky reflection:
(defn arg-count [f]
(let [m (first (.getDeclaredMethods (class f)))
p (.getParameterTypes m)]
(alength p)))
Or :
(defn arg-count [f]
{:pre [(instance? clojure.lang.AFunction f)]}
(-> f class .getDeclaredMethods first .getParameterTypes alength))
Building on @whocaresanyway's solution:
(defn provided
[cond fun x]
(if cond
(fun x)
(defn append
[xs x]
(conj (vec xs) x))
(defn arity-of-method
(->> method .getParameterTypes alength))
(defn arities
(let [all-declared-methods (.getDeclaredMethods (class fun))
methods-named (fn [name]
(filter #(= (.getName %) name) all-declared-methods))
methods-named-invoke (methods-named "invoke")
methods-named-do-invoke (methods-named "doInvoke")
is-rest-fn (seq methods-named-do-invoke)]
(->> methods-named-invoke
(map arity-of-method)
(provided is-rest-fn
(fn [v] (append v :rest))))))
My heart bled (covered all the cases).
(defn arity
"Returns the maximum arity of:
- anonymous functions like `#()` and `(fn [])`.
- defined functions like `map` or `+`.
- macros, by passing a var like `#'->`.
Returns `:variadic` if the function/macro is variadic."
(let [func (if (var? f) @f f)
methods (->> func class .getDeclaredMethods
(map #(vector (.getName %)
(count (.getParameterTypes %)))))
var-args? (some #(-> % first #{"getRequiredArity"})
(if var-args?
(let [max-arity (->> methods
(filter (comp #{"invoke"} first))
(sort-by second)
(if (and (var? f) (-> f meta :macro))
(- max-arity 2) ;; substract implicit &form and &env arguments
(use 'clojure.test)
(defmacro m ([a]) ([a b]))
(defmacro mx [])
(deftest test-arity
(testing "with an anonymous #(… %1) function"
(is (= 1 (arity #(+ % 32))))
(is (= 1 (arity #(+ %1 32))))
(is (= 2 (arity #(+ %1 %2))))
(is (= 13 (arity #(+ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 %10 %11 %12 %13))))
(is (= :variadic (arity #(apply + %&))))
(is (= :variadic (arity #(apply + % %&)))))
(testing "with an anonymous (fn [] …) function"
(testing "single body"
(is (= 0 (arity (fn []))))
(is (= 1 (arity (fn [a]))))
(is (= 2 (arity (fn [a b]))))
(is (= 20 (arity (fn [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t]))))
(is (= :variadic (arity (fn [a b & more])))))
(testing "multiple bodies"
(is (= 0 (arity (fn ([])))))
(is (= 1 (arity (fn ([a])))))
(is (= 2 (arity (fn ([a]) ([a b])))))
(is (= :variadic (arity (fn ([a]) ([a b & c])))))))
(testing "with a defined function"
(is (= :variadic (arity map)))
(is (= :variadic (arity +)))
(is (= 1 (arity inc))))
(testing "with a var to a macro"
(is (= :variadic (arity #'->)))
(is (= 2 (arity #'m)))
(is (= 0 (arity #'mx)))))
Actually it also works on macros:
(defn arg-count [f]
(let [m (first (.getDeclaredMethods (class f)))
p (.getParameterTypes m)]
(alength p)))
(defmacro my-macro [])
(arg-count @#'my-macro)
; 2
Why 2? Because every macro has two implicit arguments &form
and &env