Xcode: Could not inspect the application package

I am running Xcode 6 and iOS 8 GM. Every other time I run my app I get this message from Xcode:

"Could not inspect the application package"

So I can run and build, I will get the message. I run and build again, everything runs as expected (this is to my device). Then it will rinse and repeat, every other time giving me this error.

I have looked at all the other solutions that have been suggested but cannot stop this error. I have cleaned my project, cleaned the build folder, deleted derived data etc with no luck.

How can I see what is causing this in the first place?

Interestingly, this only happens when running on my device. Not on the simulator. Also, it only happens on my device, when building for debug. If I change the scheme to release, I can build and run endlessly without with error. Ideas?

This error seems to happen when you have third party code which isn't signed by you in your bundle. Check this thread, it helped me once.

Also when performing build clean opt for cmd + option + shift + k.

This can happen with Xcode 6 and iOS 8 if a product name contains non-latin characters. In this case changing product name to the one with only latin characters for debug builds fixes this problem.

Try to remove some libraries from your Xcode => Click on Target => General tab => Embedded Libraries (Keep only required libraries or Framework)

Here, remove (Use - sign on bottom to delete).

If you require the framework or libraries that you deleted, add this using Xcode => Click on Target => General tab => Linked framework and Libraries (Use - sign on bottom to add this).

This will work.