Mod or similar formula to convert fiscal year month to calendar year month

I need help figuring out how to convert my companies fiscal year month (and quarter) to calendar year month (and quarter) using mod or similar function. I already know how to do this using the if function.

I figured out how to convert CY to FY using mod but for the life of me cannot figure out FY to CY. I tried variations of the CY to FY solutions I have but cannot get to the solution.

CYQ to FYQ =1+MOD(C2,4)

CYMON to FYMON =MOD((C8)+2,12)+1

I need to figure out the reverse of what in this image and come up with something similar to my formulas, if possible. I don't want a lengthy formula or to use if.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Modular arithmetic works on numbers starting with 0. For example, integers to mod 4 are 0, 1, 2 or 3. So numbering the calendar year quarters as 0 for January-March, 1 for April-June, etc and similarly numbering the financial year quarters as 0 for October-December, 1 for January to March, we get

FYQ0 = MOD(1+CYQ0,4) and CYQ0 = MOD(3+FYQ0, 4)

where, FYQ0 and CYQ0 are, respectively, the financial year and calendar year quarter numbers when numbered from zero. (Hint: to determine the constant amount to add inside the MOD function, look at the required result when the value to be converted is zero).

Conventionally, quarters are numbered from 1 to 4, not 0 to 3, so FYQ = 1+FYQ0 and CYQ = 1+CYQ0 where FYQ and CYQ are, respectively, the financial year and calendar year quarter numbers when conventionally numbered.

Substituting for CYQ0 in the equation for FYQ0 yields

FYQ0 = MOD(1+(CYQ-1),4) = MOD(CYQ, 4)

So that

FYQ = 1+FYQ0 = 1+MOD(CYQ,4) [Equation 1]

The same process for CYQ yields

CYQ0 = MOD(3+(FYQ-1), 4) = MOD(2+FYQ, 4)


CYQ=1+MOD(2+FYQ,4) [Equation 2]

For month numbers, a similar process leads to



CYMON0 = MOD(9+FYMON0, 12)

so that

FYMON = 1 + MOD(2+CYMON, 12) [Equation 3]


CYMON = 1 + MOD(8+FYMON, 12) [Equation 4]

The four equations provided the basis of formulas for converting quarter/month numbers between financial years and calendar years when conventional numbering of 1-4 is used for quarters and 1-12 for months.