Can I remove preinstalled Local Experience Packs?
I just got a new laptop, and in the MS Store, I keep getting updates for about 20 Local Experience Packs, for languages I'll never use. I found some references that suggest using the Language tab in Settings to remove them, but only the language I'm currently using is listed there. I also found the PowerShell command Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *LanguageExperiencePack*
, which lists all of them, but when I pipe one or more of the discovered packages to Remove-AppxPackage
, it briefly flashes a progress bar at the top of the console, but the pack is not removed.
Is it impossible to uninstall these packs?
Solution 1:
First, ensure that you run the powershell "as Admin" (even if your user is an "Admin").
Second, when you run the -AllUsers you need to use it on the remove side too. Also, try doing them individually like this:
Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Package "<insert full appx name here>"
If that works, then you could try to pipe the Get- into the Remove- command.
Solution 2:
The other answer is sound advice, but my actual problem turned out to be that when you run the Remove-AppxPackage
, it doesn't appear to impact the output of subsequent Get-AppxPackage
commands until after a reboot. I've rebooted since posting the question, and all the offending packages are gone now. Nice to know; I don't think any of the how-to articles I saw mentioned that.