Positioning desktop icons on the left instead of right

Solution 1:

There is no way to force icons to go to the left automatically (and stay arranged by the criterion you choose).

As a workaround, you can change the View Options in Finder to not arrange items by any criterion and place icons manually on the left.

  • Click on an empty space on the desktop.
  • Press Cmd+J or use the mouse to go to the Finder's View > Show View Options menu.
  • In the Sort by: dropdown in the dialog, choose either None or Snap to Grid.
  • You'll be able to drop files anywhere on your desktop and they'll stay there.

See Mac Basics: Modify your windows for more information.

Also go through the Mac Basics pages to learn more about using a Mac.

Solution 2:

This is not the best solution but it can work if nothing else does...

  1. Create an Automator Folder Action associated with the Desktop.
  2. Add the item: "run applescript"
  3. Paste the following code in the applescript text box:

    -- https://gist.github.com/mrienstra/8330528
    -- Based on http://www.tuaw.com/2012/12/24/applescript-desktop-icon-race/
    -- Inspired by http://namesakecomic.com/comic/happy-new-year-from-namesake/#comment-1182035013
    -- Rearranges Desktop icons to flow from left to right, top to bottom.
    -- To have this run automatically every time files are added or removed from the Desktop, set this script to run as a Desktop "Folder Action". (See https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/applescript/conceptual/applescriptlangguide/reference/ASLR_folder_actions.html )
    -- This is currently a rough proof-of-concept. It has only been tested with OS X 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion).
    -- Current known limitations: Does not work with "Label position" set to "Right" (specifically, icons will overlap).
    -- Adjust these for different spacing
    property theSpacingFactor : 1.0
    property theGutterXFactor : 0.57
    property theGutterYFactor : 0.57
    on rearrangeDesktopIcons()
        tell application "Finder"
            tell icon view options of window of desktop
                set theArrangement to arrangement
                set theArrangementString to theArrangement as string
                if {"not arranged", "«constant ****narr»", "snap to grid", "«constant ****grda»"} does not contain theArrangementString then
                    display alert "\"Rearrange Desktop Icons\" AppleScript says:" message "Cannot rearrange Desktop items, please change Desktop \"Sort by\" to \"None\" or \"Snap to Grid\"." giving up after 10
                end if
                set theIconSize to icon size
                set theLabelSize to text size
            end tell
            set theDesktopBounds to bounds of window of desktop
            set theDesktopWidth to item 3 of theDesktopBounds
            set theDesktopHeight to item 4 of theDesktopBounds
            -- Retrieve a list of items on the desktop
            set theDesktopItems to every item of desktop
            set theContestantOffset to theIconSize / 2
            set theSpacing to (theIconSize + theLabelSize + theContestantOffset) * theSpacingFactor
            set theGuttersX to theSpacing * theGutterXFactor
            set theGuttersY to theSpacing * theGutterYFactor
            set theMaxColumns to ((theDesktopWidth - theGuttersX * 2) / theSpacing) as integer
            set theMaxRows to ((theDesktopHeight - theGuttersY * 2) / theSpacing) as integer
            set theMaxLocations to theMaxRows * theMaxColumns
            set y to 1
            repeat with a from 1 to length of theDesktopItems
                set x to a mod theMaxColumns
                if x is 0 then
                    set x to theMaxColumns
                end if
                if a is greater than theMaxLocations then
                    set desktop position of item a of theDesktopItems to {theGuttersX, theGuttersY}
                    set desktop position of item a of theDesktopItems to {theGuttersX + (x - 1) * theSpacing, theGuttersY + (y - 1) * theSpacing}
                end if
                if a mod theMaxColumns is 0 then
                    set y to y + 1
                end if
            end repeat
        end tell
    end rearrangeDesktopIcons
    on adding folder items to alias after receiving listOfAlias
    end adding folder items to
    on removing folder items from alias after losing listOfAliasOrText
    end removing folder items from

So whenever a file is added to your Desktop, all files will be rearranged alphabetically...