Upgrade from 10 to 11, last major release and are there plans to charge for updates? [closed]

Solution 1:

I have had Windows 11 running for 5 months (Insider) and 1 month (Production).

There has been no indication in the Insider News that Microsoft is going to start charging consumers and small business (OEM Computers) for updates. The last time I looked (recent Desktop purchase) OEM Pro upgrade is $40 or $50 US Dollars and that is just the upgrade, not the basic Home license). And then remember OEM licenses die with the machine and cannot be transferred. So Microsoft does make money here.

Nor was there any indication in MVP meetings I attended in Redmond in 3 different years.

New computers for Consumers (always) and small / medium business (mostly) come with OEM operating systems that manufacturers pay Microsoft for.

Large businesses often use Volume Licensing which may or may not involve a subscription model.

So for most of us individuals and small businesses, it should very likely be the same as always.

Remember (and unlike the "News") manufacturers and software vendors generally do not publish "We are NOT doing this (e.g. charging for OS " articles.