How to get cursor click effect?

I've seen videos like this one in which a effect appears when the user made a click. What I want it's just the effect only, I don't care the colour of the cursor.

How can I make this effect when I do a click in Ubuntu 11.10?

As indicated in this very similar question, your best option appears to be using keymon; it is fairly easy to customize it for an effect similar to what you see in your video.

1. Install keymon

From the Software Center, or via sudo apt-get install key-mon

2. Make its window minimal and enable the click indicator

  • The default window shows mouse and keyboard status, like:

    enter image description here

  • Unless you want it, let's get rid of all these; right-click on it window, and chose Settings:. Then, uncheck everything under Buttons:

    enter image description here

  • and set up the Misc tab as:

    enter image description here

  • This leaves you with a minimal status window:

enter image description here

  • And the default click-indicator, which you don't like very much :)

    enter image description here

3. Customizing the mouse-click indicator and making the KeyMon window disappear

  • First, let's make the keymon window disappear. Simply run it from the terminal (you can set up a launcher, script or startup too) as:

    key-mon --scale=0.1
  • Next, the files we need to modify are in /usr/shared/pyshared/keymon, so cd to that folder.

  • Make the click-indicator bolder: in, find win.set_opacity(0.5) around line 58 and change the 0.5 to 1.0

  • Increase the fade-out time: at the end of, find gobject.timeout_add(200, self.hide) and change the 200 to e.g. 750 (it's in milliseconds)

  • Change the indicator: The indicators are simply SVG files, under themes/*/mouse-indicator.svg; you can edit these with Inkscape, etc. to customize it to whatever you want to be.

    • To get you started, I've created a red square like the one in your video. To "install it", just make sure keymon is not running, and download it this way (SVGs are just text files):
    sudo wget -O/usr/share/pyshared/keymon/themes/classic/mouse-indicator.svg
  • Now start keymon, and you'll see a nice red fading-out indicator like the one in your video around the cursor whenever you click/drag:

    enter image description here

Youtube Video Demo

You can install key-mon which apart from showing the mouse clicks,can also show key presses.For locating the mouse-pointer you have to run the command:

key-mon --visible_click

For Ubuntu 20.04, I found the solution here

These are the commands listed in the video:

$sudo add-apt-repository  ppa:nrbrtx/python2-stuff

$sudo apt-get update

$sudo apt-get install key-mon

and then you can check the option "Highly Visible Click "

setting in key-mon

You can achieve a similar thing with the Water effect in Compiz.

First watch a video about it (grabbed it on youtube): The results on the video may look like that it's not what you want, but you can change the settings later after you had enabled it.

Then definitely read What are some of the issues with ccsm and why should I not use it?

Then start.

First, install Compiz-Config by searching it in the Software center.

enter image description here

Then, open the program by searching CompizConfig Settings Manager.

enter image description here

Search for Water Effect and select the option

enter image description here

Enable the effect, set a custom shortcut by clicking the option on Initiate, then click on the shortcut that you assigned, then have fun!

The effects might not be the one you wanted, so fool around with the 2 sliders until you like what you saw.

Without having to install anything, the only option is to enable "Show position of pointer when Ctrl is pressed"

  1. Go to System Settings > Mouse and Touchpad
  2. Check the box that says: "Show position of pointer when Control key is pressed"
  3. Done.

Press Ctrl and an orange radiating circle should show the position of the pointer.