Always Sudo Privileges

I've searched for this, and the answer is probably in a million places on the 'net, but I can't find it...

How do you give your account root privileges in Linux so that you don't need to sudo every single command that requires privileges? It's even more annoying than Windows's User Accounts Control.

(Please... I don't need a lecture on how I would be living a dangerous life. Thank you.)

Does this work for you?

sudo EDITOR=gedit visudo

Change this line:

%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL

to this line:


No lectures. :)

You don't. Two things you can do are:

1) Run sudo -s to stay root when you plan on entering multiple commands and don't want to keep prefixing them with sudo.

2) You can configure your sudoers file to allow you to run sudo without having to enter your password.