Why is Azure deployment slower on Windows 2012 Server than on Windows 2008 Server

Solution 1:

From the forum discussion it seems that it's a known issue.

The issue is reported here.

Upgrading from VS2010 to VS2012, we noticed that deploying is very slow, which can be worked around but then stepping in code is very slow as well.

First, we thought it maybe the device but it is very slow even in the emulator. This machine we tested, is i7 processor with 12MB of RAM. This also seem the case for many who have reported on our forums.

Read more.

A solution seems to be the changing the driver to winusb (C:\Program Files\GHI Electronics\GHI Premium NETMF v4.2 SDK\USB Drivers\GHI_NETMF_WinUsb) - according to one of the comments.