PowerShell 7 "Where-Object" and its aliases return nothing

I'll try to make this as concise as possible.

I'm using PowerShell 7.2.0 and cannot get the where-object command or its aliases where and ? to work.
What I want is the same functionality as with the where command in CMD.

I've tried the command and its aliases, but none of them returns anything. I've confirmed that they're already there (no aliases need to be set) with the get-alias command.

How can I fix this?

The equivalent in PowerShell is Get-ChildItem.

Without any parameters, it's the equivalent of dir in cmd.

PS C:\...\DummyDesktop>gci

    Directory: C:\Users\keith\DummyDesktop

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----        10/30/2021   3:51 AM             11 logs.txt
-a----        11/14/2021  11:07 PM           4833 Regex Whitespace Mode.txt
-a----         11/9/2021   4:51 AM           1011 troubleshooting updates.txt
-a----         11/9/2021   2:55 AM            143 Update Error Troubleshooting.url
  • With no path specified, it uses the current location.
  • To include subdirectories of the current location or specifed path, use the -REcurse (-s) parameter.
  • Many simple serachs can be accomplied by using the various parameters of Get-ChildItem with literals and/or wildcards.
  • More complicated searches may require piping the results of GetChildItem to Where-Object.
  • As you want the fully-qualified path, you'll want the FullName property of the FileInfo object returned by gci.
PS C:\...\Documents>gci ventra*

    Directory: C:\Users\keith\Documents

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----          3/2/2016  12:02 PM             27 Ventra.txt
-a----          4/5/2021  11:13 PM            181 Ventra.zip

PS C:\...\Documents>(gci ventra*).FullName

THe examples you gave would look like:

(gci pyton* -Recurse).FullName
  • Executed from the root or a folder known to be an ancestor of the location of python.exe
  • If searching from the root of your system drive, you'll most likely want to use the -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue (-ea silent) parameter to supress Access denied errors.