Can you install FFmpeg using only command promt?

Solution 1:

I was wondering if you could install FFmpeg using just the command prompt.

FFmpeg (ffmpeg, ffplay and ffprobe) are each stand-alone command line utilities. There is nothing to install. You simply run them directly e.g.:

ffmpeg option1 option2 [...]
ffplay option1 option2 [...]
ffprobe option1 option2 [...]

How do l add Windows Paths using the command line as well?

To permanently add a Path, you would want to use the Windows setx command, as displayed in your screenshot, probably with the /M option so any Path to FFmpeg is added to the System (rather than User) variables.

I tried adding it myself but it wouldn't run properly.

Unfortunately, this doesn't really provide much information regarding the problem(s) you're facing.

However, be aware that restarting explorer.exe (Windows Explorer) may be necessary for newly added Paths to work correctly (you may be able to simply restart the Windows Explorer process manually via Task Manager or do the old "Reboot the PC" trick). Also be aware that using setx with /M will typically require admin privileges.