Word or phrase for writing that "reads fast"

Is there a word or phrase to describe technical writing that is quick to read?

Some technical writing is so clear and concise, even a novice at the material will find himself flying through it. For lack of a better word let's call this "good".

Some technical writing is slow to read, not only because the subject matter, but also by virtue of the way the writer chooses to express himself, and by virtue of the very words he uses.

I guess you might call it "clunky", but I want a better word than that. I want to call it "sludgy" writing because you tend to get stuck in it, and can end up in a loop, reading the same words over and over. For example:

We shall distinguish between two perspectives on rotations in the plane, and shall determine the effect which each has on coordinates of points in the plane. The first is rotation of the coordinate frame with respect to fixed points (vectors) in the plane; the second is rotation of points (vectors) with respect to a fixed coordinate frame.

It's not so much that this writing is hard to understand — an expert in the field will read through it and understand it on the first take. But, the following puts the same information in a format that is faster to read for the expert, and easier to understand for the first-time reader:

There are two different types of planar rotation that we shall now discuss.

  1. A rotation of the actual coordinate frame with respect to fixed points in the plane.
  2. A rotation of the points with respect to a fixed coordinate frame.

There has to be a word for writing that "reads fast because it's very clear, has no gimmicks, and isn't unnecessarily flowery".

How about concise?

marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail <a concise report> <a concise definition>

Or succinct?

marked by compact precise expression without wasted words <a succinct description>

(Or, as Wiktionary defines it, "brief and to the point; having characteristics of both brevity and clarity".)

Digestible? It's more focused on the comprehension aspect than the speed aspect, so you might need to modify it with something like 'easily' or 'readily'.

I have heard the word "readable" used in this sense, easy to read. While it may be lacking elegance, it does itself possess the quality it signifies, i.e. the word "readable" is very readable.

That sounds like what The Plain English Campaign are trying to promote: language that is "clear and concise".
