A command-line or batch cmd to concatenate multiple files with multiple new lines [closed]

From what I got you want to merge several text files and choose the number of lines there should be between each of them right? Look if it is this you want. You have to drag and drop the folder where the text files are to the batch file.


@echo off

if exist "%~1" If not exist "%~1\" exit

set "Folder=%~1"
set /p "BLines=How many Blank lines do you want: "

set /a BLines+=1

if /i exist "%~dp0Merge.txt" del /q "%~dp0Merge.txt"

pushd "%Folder%"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d *.txt') do call :CreateMainTXT "%%a"

notepad "%~dp0Merge.txt"

>>"%~dp0Merge.txt" type "%~1"
for /L %%a in (1,1,%BLines%) do >>"%~dp0Merge.txt" echo.
goto :EOF