How can I open a new tab in terminal in Mac

command + t

(for tab)

Typing in more to satisfy Stackoverflow's requirement that Body is at least 30 characters.

As of Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Terminal will do this by default if you're using bash as your shell (which is the default).

You can set preferences to decide whether to have new tabs and/or windows open at the same directory as the current terminal:

Terminal > Preferences > Startup > New windows/tabs open with > Same Working Directory

This works by having your shell (or other programs) send an escape sequence to tell Terminal the current working directory. The code to do this is in the system-wide bash configuration file /etc/bashrc.

If you're using zsh, I've adapted and expanded the code for /etc/zshrc in my answer to Resume Zsh-Terminal (OS X Lion).

Follow the steps as shown here : Open a new tab on Terminal with the same path

I would suggest you to use iTerm 2 and learn more about customizing it to your needs

enter image description here

On MAC 10

Terminal > Preferences > General>

change follow attributes to

New windows open with > Same Working Directory
New tabs open with > Same Working Directory

To apply change press command + T