What is the type map in Favimon?

I made Favimon! At the moment, there is no rock-paper-scissors type system to give some classes an advantage against others. I did have one when I first launched the game, but because there are so many classes, it quickly became unmanageable and almost never affected combat anyway, so I took it out.

Thanks for your interest in my game!

Classes only really affect the pool of actions available to each favimon. For example, sites of class stackoverflow could have an 'Addiction' or a 'Tumbleweed' attack; sites of class gaming could have a 'game over' or a 'noticeable lag' attack; sites of class advice could have a 'step-by-step' attack; sites of class 'how-to' could have an 'fyi' attack; etc.

When a favimon appears on the field, four actions are chosen from the pool. For example, gaming.stackexchange.com is of classes 'stackoverflow gaming how-to advice', so it could come equipped with e.g. "Game Over", "Tumbleweed", "Step-by-step" and "Addiction."

Given that there are as of now 286 different classes, I don't think Favimon has a proper rock-paper-scissor system.