Outlook 2016 crashing while trying to download messages

Tried to run Outlook in safe mode but no help. Reinstalled Office with no help. Finally reinstalled Windows and office but still no help.

I am using the same 64-bit version here.

The actions you took will not normally affect the Outlook Profile.

Make sure you have a backup of your email, and make sure you know how to remake your email account

Open Control Panel, Mail.

Open the Profile Setting, and delete the Outlook Profile.

Restart the computer, go back and make a new Outlook Profile. Make sure you point it to your existing Email file and it should now work.

Outlook 2016 Profile


If emails are maintained on a server, you might also wish to talk to the people who support the server.

One of our personal accounts is hosted on Outlook 365 Exchange and the password is a special password generated from the Web Account. It does not crash but it needs the special password.

Finally, you said:

same email works fine if configured in a separate computer so I am suspecting issues on the machine.

So then reinstall Windows again, only this time, back everything up, format, and do a completely fresh install of Windows. Do not use Windows Reset.