Lets say i have 100000 words in a list ( Example ) Apple Orange Grape Bannana .... etc

and i need them in this format

<command name="FindRep" enabled="True">
    <find xml:space="preserve">FRUITS</find>

but changed FRUITS to Apples, Orange. Grape, etc etc

  <command name="FindRep" enabled="True">
    <find xml:space="preserve">Apple</find>
  <command name="FindRep" enabled="True">
    <find xml:space="preserve">Orange</find>
  <command name="FindRep" enabled="True">
    <find xml:space="preserve">Grape</find>

Solution 1:

  • Ctrl+H
  • Find what: .+
  • Replace with: <command name="FindRep" enabled="True">\n <find xml:space="preserve">$0</find>\n <replace></replace>\n <flags></flags>\n</command>
  • CHECK Wrap around
  • CHECK Regular expression
  • UNCHECK . matches newline
  • Replace all


.+          # 1 or more any character but newline



<command name="FindRep" enabled="True">     # literally
\n                                      # linefeed, you can use \r\n for Windows EOL
    <find xml:space="preserve">             # literally
$0                                      # the whole match (i.e. the fruit name)
</find>                                     # literally
\n                                      # linefeed, you can use \r\n for Windows EOL
    <replace></replace>                     # literally
\n                                      # linefeed, you can use \r\n for Windows EOL
    <flags></flags>                         # literally
\n                                      # linefeed, you can use \r\n for Windows EOL
</command>                                  # literally

Screenshot (before):

enter image description here

Screenshot (after):

enter image description here