Word for someone who has never experienced hardship

I am looking for a word that best describe a person who has never experienced any hardship or setback in life. In Chinese, such a person can be described as "温室里的小花" (literally meaning a flower in a greenhouse that has never encountered the harsh conditions outside). I can think of the characteristics to describe such a person, example, fragile or vulnerable, but cannot think of a word that fits those characteristics.

Privileged generally means the person was brought up well educated, well fed, etc. However, it doesn't explicitly mean that person hasn't suffered hardship. A privileged person can still suffer hardship.

Sheltered is used to describe somebody who has been protected from the some of the hardships of life (such unpleasant people, or unemployment, and can also mean moral pitfalls such as drugs or 'immoral tv'.). The term also has connotations that the person's life is constrained by this sheltering (eg. restricted social opportunities, lack of autonomy in choosing one's life direction).

Consider also:

Overprotected, shielded [from life's hardships], insulated, cocooned, chaperoned, nannied.

As for a corresponding noun, one I can think of is delicate flower.