SQL LIKE condition to check for integer?
Solution 1:
That will select (by a regex) every book which has a title starting with a number, is that what you want?
SELECT * FROM books WHERE title ~ '^[0-9]'
if you want integers which start with specific digits, you could use:
or use (if all your numbers have the same number of digits (a constraint would be useful then))
SELECT * FROM books WHERE price BETWEEN 123000 AND 123999;
Solution 2:
PostgreSQL supports regular expressions matching.
So, your example would look like
SELECT * FROM books WHERE title ~ '^\d+ ?'
This will match a title starting with one or more digits and an optional space
Solution 3:
If you want to search as string, you can cast to text like this:
SELECT * FROM books WHERE price::TEXT LIKE '123%'
Solution 4:
Assuming that you're looking for "numbers that start with 7" rather than "strings that start with 7," maybe something like
select * from books where convert(char(32), book_id) like '7%'
Or whatever the Postgres equivalent of convert is.
Solution 5:
I'm late to the party here, but if you're dealing with integers of a fixed length you can just do integer comparison:
SELECT * FROM books WHERE price > 89999 AND price < 90100;