Open new Numbers document in older Numbers
I have a Numbers (v3.5) file from a Yosemite install. I have since abandoned Yosemite (here is why WindowServer high CPU on Yosemite).
Now I cannot open this file in Mavericks' Numbers (v2.3) app. I do not want to upgrade my whole OS X to open a single file.
Is there a way around this other than upgrading to Yosemite or finding a machine with Yosemite on it?
This is a hack, but assuming that your document won't be damaged by undergoing some slight changes, here is what I would do.
- Logon to, and open Numbers. If it isn't there, go to
- Upload the new Numbers document to iCloud and then open the document in your browser.
- Select Download a Copy from the settings menu (as seen in the screenshot below) and choose to save it as a Word document.
- Open the Word document in Numbers and save/export in whatever format you wish.
Alternate Approach:
You could, depending on the nature of the document, send it to a friend who has Yosemite and ask them to export it to the Numbers '09 format.
Other Options:
- If I were you, and did want to mess with importing/export I'd probably try
- This article claims you may be able to revert the document, although the fact that you can't open it in the first place would seem to negate that option.