CLI script works. Alias script broke. Corrective action is?

Solution 1:

Agreed with Kamil: this code contains both single and double quotes. You'll experience quoting hell trying to force it into an alias. Use a function where you can format the commands in a sensible, readable way:

a() {
    local cmd1 cmd2 cmd3 cmd4 cmd5 cmd6
    ls -1v -w9 -plxhSs --format=single-column --group-directories-first  
    cmd1=$( ls -qp | grep -c / ) 
    cmd2=$(  ls -qp | grep -vc / ) 
    cmd3=$( ls -1 | wc -l ) 
    tput setaf 4 
    pwd | tr '\n' '\000' 
    tput sgr0 
    echo "/" 
    tput sgr0 
    printf "%9d%s" $cmd1 " dirs" $cmd2 " reg.files" $cmd3 " files current" | tr '\n' ' ' 
    tput setaf 13 
    echo "    Ctrl-c Cancel" 
    sleep 1 
    cmd4=$( find . -type d | wc -l  ) 
    cmd5=$( find . -type f | wc -l ) 
    cmd6=$(  find . | wc -l  ) 
    tput setaf 13 
    printf "%9d%s" $cmd4 " dirs" $cmd5 " reg.files" $cmd6 " files reclusive" 
    echo " " 
    tput setaf 13 
    pwd | tr '\n' '\000' 
    tput sgr0 
    echo "/" | tr '\n' ' ' 
    tput setaf 13 
    echo "+ recursive"