Is there a tool to copy a folder using shadow copy?

Is there a tool similar to Robocopy or TeraCopy that would do a "shadow copy" of a folder?

I'm not sure if this is technically possible on Windows 7 but what I'd like to find a utility that, when I execute the "copy" command, would create a fixed copy of that folder at that given time and then copy the result over to another location. What I'd like to achieve are consistent copies of folders that might be currently in use.

Is this possible on Windows? Is there any user friendly utility to help with this?

What I'd like to achieve are consistent copies of folders that might be currently in use.

Please understand that applications must actually be compatible with VSS. While you can create the shadow copy, it is possible the applications with in-use files may not respond to the event and do what is required to make sure you get a consistent copy.

What you almost certainly want to do is to use the Diskshadow command to create a shadow copy, and then temporarily mount it as a volume. Once you do that you can use robocopy/teracopy or favorite tool to make a copy. Here is the set of files that I use to make a backup using VSS of one of my systems. There is another example that is part of the MS docs I linked to.


@echo off
cd \shadow
del o:\shadow\*.cab
diskshadow -s diskshadow_script.txt
robocopy /mir S:\data\ \\srv-backup\backupshare\srv01\


delete shadows exposed s:
set context persistent nowriters
set verbose on
add volume o: alias Backup
expose %Backup% S:

Try Hobocopy from Wangdera Tools and Utilities.

For the sake of completeness as I stumbled upon this. There is also a WBAdmin tool that can backup folders on Windows 7 using VSS. See TechNet for details. It works out of the box and no 3rd party tool needs to be installed.