Error: specified host network collides with a non-hostonly network

Change the Host Only network IP range. Host only is for host use only and not the outside world.

Bridged networking is for unfettered Internet access by the guest.

Change VBOX host only IP

Host-only Networking

In this mode, communication between connected guest systems and the host system is possible.[7]

Customized network interfaces will be used on the host system for the host-only network, such as: vboxnet0. The IP address on the host as well as the DHCP server for this network will be configured directly in VirtualBox:

  1. Select Global Settings from the File menu

  2. Select the Network item in the list on the left and then right-click on the tool icon.

  3. The IP address for the host can now be changed in this host-only network

  4. After clicking on the DHCP Server tab, the DHCP server settings can be changed