Trying to send an email for first time from my local server

Solution 1:

By default, PHP will try to send via a local SMTP server, which it's trying to do here.

What you'll need to do is edit your php.ini file, and find the SMTP option. Change it to read something like this:-

sendmail_from = [email protected]

FAQ entry 55 on the EasyPHP FAQ tells you how to do this for EasyPHP.

Solution 2:

Well you need to install an email server or configure it to use a readily existing one. From the easyPHP faq:

The "mail" function from PHP returns an error (0) ! You need to replace this line: SMTP="localhost" in your PHP conf file (php.ini) by SMTP="" where stands for the mail server of your ISP.

You will probably also find point number 6 here to be helpful.