How to replace Windows Explorer breadcrumbs with classic full path textbox?

You could also try ClassicShell. It allows you to disable Bread Crumbs by simply checking a check box. It also allows you to go back to a XP style Explorer (XP copy dialogue box, Path in Title Bar, etc).


I myself use it to add a "Up" Button to Explorer

There is no native solution. But there are two hackers who've made a utility app to fix this.

1) Download the zip file for your respective version:

  • Windows Vista 32-bit: AveNoBreadCrumb 32-bit
  • Windows 7 32-bit: BreadCrumbKiller 32-bit
  • Windows 7 64-bit: BreadCrumbKiller 64-bit

For the Windows 7 ones, you may need to go to the hacker's blog and find the download links on the page.

Note: Windows Vista 64-bit does not have a utility available :(

2) Extract the zip file contents into your Program Files folder C:\Program Files

3) Right-click on the exe file and Create a New Shortcut

4) Copy that Shortcut file

5) Type shell:Startup in the address bar of Windows Explorer. You should be redirected to your Startup folder.

6) Paste that Shortcut file in your Startup folder. (The app needs to be run on every startup).

7) Restart Windows.

8) If on startup, Windows prompts you to be able to run BreakCrumbKiller or AveNoBreadCrumb, uncheck the Always ask box and click Yes/Ok.

Now, you'll always see the full path in the address bar (assuming you're browsing inside some drive--not "My Computer").